Every game requires a place where you can buy things to level up, replenish supplies, and get some help.

In the world of 2077, that place is the Marketplace.

The marketplace is where you can utilize your earned credits for aesthetic and functional assets. In this section, we’ll look at these in detail.

Accessing the Marketplace

To access the marketplace, simply click the “Marketplace” button on the top right corner of the homepage.

This will show a popup like this:


The marketplace has three elements: Assistants, Bots, and Apps.


Assistants are friendly critters that help you on your journey. You can spend credits to buy different assistants - just click “Purchase”, then click “Activate” and you’ll be on your way.

Assistants are purely aesthetic for now - think of this as skins in a game.

In future iterations, however, these assistants might imbue enhanced abilities, such as cheaper generations.


Bots are specialized Telegram bots that can be used for highly specific purposes, as indicated.


Once you’ve unlocked a bot, you will be able to access it privately via Telegram and get it to produce the indicated results.

This feature is a work in progress and will be going live very soon.